
Download neo geo roms metal slug 6 online
Download neo geo roms metal slug 6 online

download neo geo roms metal slug 6 online

Neo Geo Rom Pack Neo Geo Bios Rom Lr-fbalpha is the prefered Pi 3Pi 2 Neo Geo emulator due to its accuracy. In-depth information on GnGeo-Pi can be found below, which is also linked directly above. Neo Geo Roms Metal Slug 6 Free Play SettingsĮmulator Rom Folder Extension Required ROM Version Controller Config neogeo.7z.zip FB Alpha v0.2.97.42 optretropieconfigsneogeoretroarch.cfg neogeo.7z.zip FB Alpha v0.2.97.30 optretropieconfigsneogeoretroarch.cfg neogeo.zip FB Alpha optretropieemulatorspifbafba2x.cfg neogeo.zip MAME 0.138 optretropieconfigsneogeogngeorc Emulators:, Refer to the main page for general information on all FBA emulators or the direct links above for in-depth infomation on lr-fbalpha, lr-fbalpha2012, or PiFBA.

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